Friday, March 12, 2010

Knitted Hat

Happy Rainy Friday!

Attention Knitters!!
I have found a really cute, and really easy free Knitted Hat pattern. If you don't follow the Spud and Chloe blog, you should! They send e-mails every couple days, and have tons of free patterns! Here is one that was recently on their blog. I made it in Brown Debbie Bliss cashmerino dk, because that's what I had at my house, and the size turned out pretty adequate!
This is the Baby size, I probably should have made the Toddler size, because it is a little small on my little girl. I usually knit things way to big, so I thought I would just make a smaller size, but go figure this time it turned out to be right! Here is the link to the Spud and Chloe blog where you will find the pattern for the hat.
Hat Pattern
Have fun!
Have a good Day!

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