Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hello! From the other blog.

This was a post I posted back in 2012, on my other blog :) this will help with the updating process!

Good Morning Friends!

I have been inspired to create this blog. One, because I stay home with my 3 children and one in the oven until August 2012, and need something to do with myself to feel productive. And two I wanted to organize my thoughts and my life. I thought if I could create a journal of my thoughts, ideas, inspirations and projects maybe I could become a little more organized. So, instead of writing everything down on a piece of paper and loosing it somewhere, amongst all the chaos it will stay neatly on the web, and maybe someone will enjoy reading about the crazy life our house lives! :)

Today, we will be finding out the gender of our Baking Bun!! We are keeping fingers, toes, and anything else crossed for a little Boy. We have three wonderful girls, and would love a boy, but of course, healthy is first and foremost! I will be back later with an update!!


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