Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stir Fry Lunch

While I'm eating lunch, I thought I might as well show you what I made! Thanks to the Blogger app I can do that :)

Quick, easy, Gluten-free and vegetarian!

Stir-fry bowel of stuff!!

First I put butter in a pan, and cut up a few pieces of onion. I let that cook for a minute, then I added carrots, pea pods, and broccoli. I let that cook for a minute or two stirring constantly with a rubber spatula. When the veggies were kinda tender, I pushed them to the side in the pan, and cracked and egg. I fried the egg and broke it all up into pieces. I then mixed it all together, and poured in the rice I had premade in the fridge. (I try to keep rice made at all times, being Gluten-Free it makes life easier)I then added a little more butter, a couple shakes of rice vinegar, a sprinkle of brown sugar, and cooked it all together. Add salt and pepper to taste! YUM!!
I didn't keep an measurements, I just throw things together for lunch, and decided, "yum, this is good, I'll blog about it!" :)

Have a great day!


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